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Kerbal Space Program 2's first patch slated for this week


Thepreviously-promised patchfor Kerbal Space Program 2 should be arriving on 16th March.

In a recentupdate, creative director Nate Simpson stated the KSP2 team is continuing to make "good headway on performance improvement and bug squashing". This has meant that, in addition to the previous list of upcoming fixes, the developer has managed to "sneak" a few more improvements into KSP2's first patch.

These include "a fairly high-impact resource flow optimisation" and a fix for the "'Kraken Drive' bug that created insane reverse thrust when an engine's nozzle was obstructed".

Kerbal Space Program 2 Early Access launch cinematic.

The KSP2 developer plans on releasing this first patch on Thursday, all being well.

"QA is thoroughly testing the build right now, and as soon as they give us a thumbs-up, we'll release it," Simpson has said.

"Provided QA does not uncover any show-stopping bugs over the next few days, that date should hold. If they do run into something unexpected that needs to be fixed, that date will slip.

"We have done a fair amount of hand-wringing around whether we should announce the target date for this patch when there is a non-zero chance of a delay, but we know this topic is very important to you all, so we're doing our best to keep you all in the loop."

In addition to this patch one update, Simpson stated the Kerbal's team has started compiling a list of fixes for a second patch. However, he said he will "talk more about that after we've got the first one out the door".

Kerbal Space Program 2's roadmap.

Meanwhile, the Kerbal Space Program 2 team has a roadmap laid out for the game that will see more features added to the sequel that were missing from the first. This includes multiplayer and the addition of colonies, as shown in the image above.

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Victoria Kennedy avatar

Victoria Kennedy

不ws Reporter

Victoria developed a deep love for video games since watching her brothers barrel their way through Goldeneye 007. She will unashamedly spout forth all sorts of niche Zelda lore to anyone who will listen (and even at times to those who won’t), and makes the best pancakes you have ever seen.
