
GeForce 4:鲜肉

PNY, ELSA和Gainward的产品在航线上

鉴于昨天在布鲁塞尔原子馆发布的GeForce 4(如图所示),PNY和ELSA都站出来宣布了他们的最新产品,毫不意外地基于NVIDIA GeForce 4参考设计。PNY抢先一步,“释放”他们的GeForce 4显卡Verto系列,提供低端和高端解决方案。在解决方案的预算端,Verto GeForce 4 MX 440和420零售价分别为179.99美元(127英镑/ 207欧元)和129.99美元(92英镑/ 149欧元)。440卡附带一份免费的Grin未来赛车《弹道》(Ballistics)软件,这是一款展示卡的能力的好软件,而420卡则捆绑了10份80分钟的cdr。与此同时,该公司的Verto GeForce 4 Ti 4600和Ti 4400卡因其提高的内存速度、DVI和ViVo支持而更具说服力。在399.99美元(£283 /€461)和299.99美元(£212 /€345),免费拷贝的星球大战星际战斗机与4600和i-O系统3D规格发货与4400只是增加填料。这些都是面向美国的产品,但一个月前VisionTek也是如此。取决于这些板的成功,我们可能很快就会看到国内的欧洲发布。另一方面,ELSA发现自己处于完全相反的情况,放弃了美国显卡市场,转而专注于商业领域。与此同时,我们欧洲技术人员很快就能得到他们的四款新显卡。 ELSA's flagship product is the GLADIAC 925VIVO, which as the name suggests is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 with ViVo-based graphics card. The GLADIAC 925VIVO is very close to NVIDIA's own reference design, as is the GLADIAC 725TV-OUT (damn these capital letter marketing freaks). On the budget front however, ELSA have introduced GLADIAC 517VIVO based on the MX 460 and GLADIAC 517TV-OUT based on the MX 440. ELSA's is the first 460-based board we've encountered. And finally, although they did not deign to send us a press release, Gainward will be releasing an awesome new version of its Golden Sample board. In order to combat harsh market conditions which saw VisionTek driving down prices last year, Gainward hit upon the idea of a special, overclocked board to outpace the competition. Its GeForce 3-based offerings did well, and according to The Inquirer, Gainward's GeForce 4 Power pack Ultra/750 Golden Sample is the next big thing. Retailing for €500 (£307), the card is overclocked to boot. As the name suggests, the board will ship with 750MHz memory (that's 375MHz DDR), and from what we've heard, a core frequency of nearly 350MHz. We hope to have some of these boards in for testing shortly. Then after that, we can sell them all and live on a desert island for the rest of our lives, sleeping on top of a big pile of money amidst many beautiful ladies…(算我一个!在试验相关的功能-英伟达发布GeForce 4

来源- PNY和ELSA新闻稿


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