
2002年Gaming Globes:投票















作为PSone用户屏幕上的最后一款原创《最终幻想9》冒险游戏,《最终幻想9》从未有过轻松的旅程,但尽管在该系列的第八款游戏中出现了失误,Squaresoft还是用齐达内部落和他的流浪汉和流氓乐队的出色表现挽回了自己。尽管可以说这款游戏在叙事方面与前作太过相似,但它还是引起了玩家的共鸣,并将继续如此。这款游戏将于今年夏天在PlayStation 2上首次亮相,但它是去年最好的电子游戏吗?bwin必赢亚卅bwin世界杯在《侠盗猎车手3》的几行文字中,我们能对它说些什么呢?这几行文字充分地概括了这个DMA Design的大胆儿子背后数百小时的不知疲倦的游戏体验。据官方消息,这是这家苏格兰开发公司发布的最后一款游戏,该公司现已并入Rockstar Games,但无论如何这都是一款美妙的告别之作。你在大城市过着犯罪的生活,通过贩毒、暗杀、盗窃汽车和船只、非法赌博、腐败的警察、勒索、敲诈和走私一些美国最好的违禁品,你通过等级上升而产生巨大的影响。你的雇主名单读起来就像有组织犯罪的名人录。就图像、设计、内容、执行以及你所提及的任何内容而言,《侠盗猎车手3》都是无与伦比的。去年最好的比赛?如果说PS2游戏中有什么值得肯定的话,那就是Naughty Dog开创性的平台冒险游戏《Jak & Daxter》。 Spoonfeeding the player tasty gameplay morsels for more than ten hours, it's certainly the best example of its genre on the PlayStation 2, and perhaps of all time. It boasts terrific character and world animation, sprawling vistas and some of the most comfortable gameplay mechanics ever encountered in a game of this ilk, but misses out on that top score for concluding on one - well, two actually - of the least fulfilling videogame end sequences ever witnessed. But does the overall experience make up for it? I've never lost hours to a videogame like this one... reviewOperation Flashpoint The only PC game to make it on to this year's final short list, Operation Flashpoint emerged from the Czech Republic last summer to take the world by storm. Set during a fictional conflict between the USA and Soviet Union at the tail-end of the Cold War, it offered a great combination of on foot and in vehicle action, with everything from clapped out Russian cars to tanks and helicopter gunships to drive around in, while the infantry faced a mixture of all-out action and stealth missions set across a vast island chain covered in hills, mountains and wooded valleys. reviewPhantasy Star Online In my younger and more vulnerable years, the humble Super Nintendo formed the peak of my videogame habit, and it was left to RPGs like Zelda III, Chrono Trigger, Illusion of Time (Gaia in the States) and Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan) to teach me how enthralling and religious the medium can be. But it was one game - Secret of Mana - which offered a multiplayer mode for two or three players that really won me over. My fascination with Phantasy Star Online is a reflection of those early years. PSO is an immense videogame and, as a single player, one of the Dreamcast's most enjoyable RPGs. But band together with a group of up to three people online and you can take the game on ad infinatum. Those who have played it will understand the addiction, but only a fraction of gamers ever really penetrated it to reveal its most rewarding secrets. With a sequel just released, is it time to appreciate Phantasy Star Online for the videogame spectacular it really was? review



设计师奖颁发给拥有最佳原创概念、设计和执行的游戏首席设计师。去年的获奖者是《杀出重围》的Warren Spector。

《鬼城惊魂记》可能并不是PlayStation 2上的最佳游戏,但它无疑是最时尚的游戏之一。bwin必赢亚卅bwin世界杯让你穿着闪亮的靴子和长红色外套的恶魔化身但丁,在一个闹鬼的城堡中切、切、炸出一条路,这款游戏堪称无脑墙对墙行动的最佳典范。从直观的控制和壮观的恶魔攻击,到由此产生的健康的流血,这是一个地狱般的旅程。Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec是PlayStation 2上最好的驾驶游戏,也是它的第一款真正的杀手级应用。bwin必赢亚卅bwin世界杯这类游戏无与伦比的视觉效果(在笔者看来,这仍然是《哥谭赛车计划》的写照),也许是主机上发布的赛车游戏中范围最大的一款,只是因为使用了《gt赛车1》和《gt赛车2》的赛道而略有瑕疵——尽管用了一点达芬奇的颜料——来填补空白。尽管如此,它并不满足于仅仅把自己的流派中的大批追随者拒之门外,它还是与集会领袖科林·麦克雷和Codemasters的力量较量了一番,并带着笑容走了出来。由于取得了如此多的成就,而且从未放纵自己,GT3是2001年最佳设计游戏的竞争者。如果设计是黄油,那么你应该在《侠盗猎车手3》中找到均匀的分布。游戏中很少有东西看起来营养不良,游戏世界中很少有东西可以充当饲料。GTA3提供了我们所接触过的最具互动性的世界。 If you see a bloke walking down the street, you can mug him. If you want you can beat him to death on the floor. If you see a prostitute, you can lure her to a back alley in your flashy pimp daddy wheels and then watch the thing rock from side to side as your health increases. Or on a completely different tack, you can go to the net café, bust in and head upstairs to blow some PCs up, perhaps using the perfectly positioned and angled staircase through the shattered glass full-height shop front windows as a ramp to do a special Hollywood slow-motion jump. There are an endless number of ornate touches to the design of GTA3, and it rivals anything else from amongst this year's field. reviewJak & Daxter Jak & Daxter is intricate to the last, but it isn't so much the developer's ability to give shape and depth to the gaming world with such ease, but the way that they managed to cram so much detail onto the screen throughout the game without hindering the player's enjoyment through slowdown and choppy gameplay. There's even a 60Hz mode which showcases the abilities of the game engine. Jak & Daxter has been nominated because no other game - of this era or any other in fact - has ever presented so much detail in such high concentration within the confines of a two-year-old gaming platform. Anniversary today, in Japan. reviewKurukuru Kururin An odd choice perhaps? Kurukuru Kururin is an extremely original puzzle game. Deserving of this nomination purely for providing us with an excuse to curse loudly on busy commuter trains and in the back of a cab, it increases in complexity with a steep learning curve, but offers the first truly innovative puzzle experience in years. Whoever would have thought it'd be possible to lose yourself to the navigation of a throbbing stick through so many narrow passageways? review




他是一个恶魔骑士的儿子,手里拿着一把巨大的宝剑,但他也喜欢像吴宇森(John Woo)那样挥舞着名为“乌木”(Ebony)和“象牙”(Ivory)的枪在空中跳跃,或者变成有翅膀的魔鬼,在空中飞向敌人,给敌人带来毁灭。获得了今年最流畅的动画和最顶级的打斗编排,《鬼哭五月》的反英雄但丁可能是某种风格战胜了实质的胜利,但当你有这么多风格的时候,这真的重要吗?这只狡猾的麝鼠很像《狮子王》中的角色Timone,显然是受到了迪士尼作品的启发,它把与模糊达成协议的工作变得极其有趣。在游戏世界中,他并不是一个强大的角色,但却是二人组整个冒险的基础,并经常出现在喜剧中。他出现在保存序列、过场动画和重要玩法指南的解说中,并以同样的剂量取悦玩家。在玩家的潜意识中完全根深蒂固,最大的问题是,你还记得他变形前的样子吗?来自《猴岛》冒险游戏的《Phungoria Mushroom Of Phungoria》可能并没有在去年的排行榜上取得成功,但它却是我们最近所见过的最好的点和点击器。主演是Gilbert Goodmate自己,一个年轻人看到他的祖父被一个神秘的蒙面袭击者击中头部,然后偷走了同名的神圣真菌。幽默的对话,宽大的裤兜,嬉皮笑脸,有时举止怪异,他是今年最受欢迎的角色之一。永远愁眉苦脸的Max Payne让他看起来像是患有严重的便秘(可能是他在比赛中吃了大量止痛药的副作用),比整个新金属音乐节的阵容都要焦虑。Max Payne是一名卧底警察,有一笔账要算。 Spouting lines that sounded like a bad parody of Raymond Chandler and pulling an array of unnatural faces during the comic strip style cutscenes, Max was certainly one of the most memorable video game characters of the year. reviewZidane Tribal for Final Fantasy IX When we meet Zidane Tribal in Final Fantasy IX, it emerges that he's a thief and part-time actor, the top bod amongst his band of theives, skilled in the use of daggers and lanced implements. Everything a strong RPG character should be (in other words, confused and directionless to begin with), he grows with the game and it's impossible not to become fond of the lovable rogue.




就像《鬼哭狼嚎》里的其他东西一样,这座建筑规模宏大。从充满活力的有机教堂和巨大的露天剧场,到散落着碎石的庭院和摇摇欲坠的城堡塔楼,这些关卡都非常大气,设计也很有爱。与Capcom的传统不同的是,戏剧化的镜头角度甚至能够在不妨碍游戏玩法的情况下展示这些壮丽的场景。复杂的细节和漂亮的动画,Jak & Daxter的设计是无与伦比的,精湛的执行,没有任何瑕疵来打破精心选择的边界,充满活力的二人组的家乡。从《Misty Island》中怪异的墓地感到灼热朦胧的火山口,这款游戏拥有所有元素,其效果令人着迷且印象深刻,能够在玩家注意到的瞬间呈现出一整屏幕的独创性和细微差别。与大多数第一人称射击游戏中常见的未来主义基地和哥特式地下城不同,《Serious Sam》的第一次冒险将这类游戏带回了古埃及,将目光所及之处的广阔沙漠城市和狭窄的寺庙内部融合在一起。它们都被复杂细致的纹理包裹着,充满了一波又一波的怪物,等待着从几乎每个角落跳出来。虽然在这一类别中它看起来不如PS2的同类游戏那么华丽,但它通过所有相关的铃声和哨声创造出了绝对的恐怖。在城镇的简单漫步中创造出一段紧张且充满悬念的旅程,这便是像你在草地上留下的脚印,刮擦的声音,从玩家眼角闪出的闪光,以及惊恐地四处旋转去寻找……什么都没有。 There's more to this ornately detailed adventure than meets the eye. reviewTropico Tropico was a breath of fresh air for the usually very serious management sim genre, transplanting the action to lush Caribbean islands and casting you as El Presidente, determined to hold on to power by any means at your disposal. As a result the game sported lush jungles, towering mountains cloaked in clouds, rolling hills and sun-soaked beaches, along with a wide selection of gloriously detailed buildings to ruin your enviroment with, from tobacco farms and ugly tenement flats to schools, hospitals and of course your Presidential palace. review




《鬼哭鬼哭》的视觉效果再次获得认可,这一次是因为游戏中充满想象力的生物。从但丁本人和他的皮衣爱人,到他在游戏过程中屠杀的大批不健康的怪物,《恶魔五月哭》的角色是设计、建模、纹理和动画的胜利。游戏中有咯咯叫的幽灵女巫,它们会用巨大的剪刀、挥舞镰刀的死神、巨型鸟、岩浆蜘蛛和致命的木偶来攻击你,这些都是你在电子游戏中能找到的最古怪的敌人。融合了《魔法门英雄》的回合制策略和《万智牌战》的卡牌战斗模式,《以太领主》在玩法上大量借鉴了其他游戏。它的各种生物都是更原始的,从昆虫战士和类似三脚怪的植物,到几乎可以从HR Giger的绘画中逃脱的生物力学构造。所有这些都是复杂的模型和纹理,导致了我们在很长一段时间内所见过的最多样和最具创造性的怪物选择之一。角色设计,特别是不同的动画和两个角色的互动方式,真的为《Jak & Daxter》的世界增添了色彩。当Jak发现一个电池时,我们会看到一个5秒钟的动画,即两人将电池放入他的背包中,这个动作可以是Jak简单地在肩膀上拍电池,Daxter在地板上跳霹雳舞,也可以是Jak将球抛到身后,Daxter跳起扣篮。在整款游戏中,精细塑造的角色发挥了出色的作用,不仅是Jak和Daxter,还有一些配角,如酋长Samos和他的木制跺脚块和帽子,或者Keira在Jak面前前后摇摆……这款游戏可能是一款全面的成就,但突出它的个人优势却非常有说服力。 reviewSilent Hill 2 Silent Hill 2 uses dirt and grime to great effect, and its central character and his chilling assailants are nothing short of hair-raising. Going through every possible variation on gritty, James Sunderland goes in search of his wife, and the people he meets are superbly designed, right down to their back stories and own personal interests, which clash with James'. Not just good-looking, but thoroughly realistic, and that's the amazing thing. reviewStartopia Owing more to The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy than 2001, despite being set on a doughnut shaped space station, Startopia was one of the funniest games of last year. Much of that humour came from the oddball creatures which inhabited your orbiting base, from disco-dancing two-headed scientists and greys who list mutilating cattle and buzzing Mexico City as their hobbies, to purple dreadlocked space hippies and angel-like sirens. Pure genius. review




《Anachronox》是一款面向美国PC平台的日式主机RPG游戏,但在去年最终被踢出市场时,它却成为了一款存在缺陷的经典游戏。但尽管游戏玩法存在问题,但壮观的过场动画却很难让人挑剔,因为它使用了《雷神之锤2》引擎的高度修改版本进行实时渲染。戏剧性的俯冲镜头、面部动画、精彩的对白、怪异的角色阵容、丰富的幽默和夸张的特效,这部电影具备了一部科幻大片的所有条件。当你坐在办公室里想着自己的事情时,突然一位穿着皮衣的漂亮女士骑着摩托车从门口冲了进来。在简短的交谈之后,她将你刺在一把巨大的剑上,但作为一个恶魔骑士的儿子,这只是一个小小的不便。你打了个寒颤,从胸口拔出剑来,又一次炸毁了那个女人的摩托车。所有这些都只是开场。疯了。关于这款游戏我们还有什么没说过的呢?有些人认为这是PSone平台上最好的RPG游戏。 In terms of cinematography, it's as gripping to experience as its predecessors. Although you may get a little bored of the hokey, Squaresoft template storyline with its quirks and expected eccentricities, on a purely technical level it's an astounding achievement. The cinematic set-pieces in this game were a forerunner to the Final Fantasy movie. Max Payne Although certain sections of the gaming press chose to criticize Remedy's attempts to create a true Hollywood masterpiece, there are few who would question the developer's gritty, no holds barred portrayal of a determined cop on the road to justice. The story is presented almost entirely via a comic book style, but the game's set pieces, in particular the underground research facility and Max's exhausting climb to the final confrontation are memorable enough to win it a nomination in this category. reviewOnimusha Although widely criticized for being a bit too short and repetitive, the ambitious Onimusha has spawned several ports and a couple of sequels and it's not hard to see why. The Braveheart-style CG battle sequences are amongst the finest ever produced for a videogame, and gave life to the otherwise only faintly inventive tale of chaos in feudal Japan and the loss of a great love. review




《Anachronox》的开头是你被当地的暴徒扔出窗外,从那以后,事情迅速恶化。不久之后,你将面对神秘的外星文物和毁灭整个宇宙的阴谋,当你试图解开这些线索时,你将与一群古怪的演员相伴,包括一个有感情的机器人、一个脾气暴躁的老人、一个抑郁的漫画超级英雄和一个全息秘书,更不用说一个由委员会决定一切的星球了。怪异。《最终幻想9》的故事只对游戏玩家有吸引力,并不能作为刻板叙事的一部分独立发挥作用。《最终幻想9》便是最好的证明,它将故事与有趣的玩法元素结合在一起。揭露穿插在动作和探索元素中,赋予了FFIX多方面的吸引力。它有时会让人有点累,而且混乱的主角是典型的系列和类型,几乎令人尴尬,但很少有游戏能与FFIX在2001年给人的整体印象相提并论。几代人以来,你们的人民都很崇敬一种用来杀死邪恶巫师的神圣蘑菇,但今天早上,当你的祖父在清洗蘑菇时,他被一个戴兜帽的骗子击中了头部,他为了自己的邪恶目的偷走了圣物。所以开始Gilbert Goodmate的冒险,他试图清除他的祖父和恢复蘑菇。一路上你会遇到一个来自Phungorian调查局的探员,他认为蘑菇可能是一种受管制的物质,一个偏执的民兵,他看到入侵的维京人在每棵树后面,当然还有美丽的公主米歇尔。 reviewShenmue 2 Shenmue 2 is the continuation of an evolving narrative, which will eventually span a trilogy of games. Although the game itself is difficult to penetrate without a few hours of struggle, the story that binds Ryu's quest for vengeance together is striking and evokes an emotional response. It's very rare to see a game really manage that these days that Shenmue 2 is an obligatory nomination in this category. reviewSilent Hill 2 The exploits of James Sunderland and his search for his dead wife's spirit forms the central pillar of this game, and it's difficult enough to put the pad down as it is. One man's struggle for inner peace forms a powerful backbone. And it's scary as hell. review




《弹道》不仅是迄今为止最快的科幻赛车游戏,也是迄今为止最吸引PC玩家的游戏。虽然当你以几倍于音速的速度在赛道上飞驰时,你会忽略很多细节,但从你驾驶的闪亮的金属悬浮自行车到细节精美的管状赛道,以及窗外闪过的壮丽景色,《弹道》确实充满了视觉效果。实时3D关卡,让你的普通恐怖生存游戏的预渲染背景相形见绌,复杂的细节和流畅的动画角色,壮观的恶魔力量释放在你的敌人,巨大的boss打败和更壮观的爆炸,动脉喷溅和飞行的血比你摇动一个真正的大棒。是啊,《鬼哭五月》真是让人赏心悦目。在Gran Turismo 3 a - spec中,它们可能不是照亮汽车引擎盖和挡风玻璃的实时反射,但有很多人会认为GT3是一个更好的赛车印象,它的视觉风格比该类型的任何东西都更合适。游戏的拉力赛部分真正展示了Polyphony Digital的能力,后面一些比赛中被雨水浸湿的柏油路是PS2上细节的巅峰。在任何平台上,几乎没有游戏能够与《GT3》的视觉效果相媲美。如果说有什么东西有机会在这个奖项中出其不意,那一定是Jak & Daxter。这款游戏中一些出色的视觉效果例子包括天气系统及其昼夜循环的变化,风车及其反映《禁忌丛林》中黑暗生态系统的系统,以及游戏中横着的boss角色漂浮在熔岩床上的令人敬畏的画面……Chthon吃掉你的心吧。 reviewTwisted Metal : Black The pinncle of car combat suave, TMB would have been even more impressive with the widespread inclusion of destructible buildings, but even with these cut and the lack of a 60Hz display mode, the game boasts some spectacular visual effects. Take the weapons on display for instance. When you go to fire a rocket, a small launching bay opens and the rocket launcher folds out into the open. It's little touches like this that have served to propell Twisted Metal : Black into the running for this year's awards. review




在Squaresoft的这款美食冒险RPG游戏中,如果有什么东西是很难挑剔的,那就是由Nobuo Uematsu创作的激动人心的配乐。该作品已经以音频CD的形式出现,在PlayStation游戏中脱颖而出,是将电影价值应用于互动项目的绝佳例子,这是科乐美的《合bwin世界杯bwin必赢亚卅金装备2》团队在PlayStation 2上进一步采用的做法。《侠盗猎车手3》并非100%原创——如此之多以至于一个合辑的配乐发行是完全不可能的——但充斥着DMA Design手中的片段和原创作品。而电台设置也意味着游戏的配乐将以一种不会让人感到无聊的方式呈现出来。reviewRock Manager以一种幽默的方式看待音乐产业,显然歌曲是其中重要的一部分。幸运的是,他们真的很好(即使他们故意坏),从朋克和重金属到朗朗上口的英国流行音乐和独立民谣。有受绿洲启发的Gollander兄弟和他们的热门单曲《超级市场之爱》,Firewolf的铁娘子风格的《石之心》,《金属之魂》,以及这位紧张的创作型歌手的《虚伪之山》听起来惊人地像Babybird。锦上添花的是,你可以自己混合这些音轨,从吉他、贝斯、键盘和鼓的不同变化中选择,添加回声和边缘效果,调整音量和缩放,试图把你的音乐尼安德特人产生的跑调噪音变成纯金的hit。这款去年最诡异的游戏最诡异的地方之一是它那激动人心的音乐,每一个角落都隐藏着野兽的威胁。有时候,游戏似乎能感受到那种恐惧…… After building up the association of pounding music and monstrous onslaughts, the designers teased the player with it on several occasions, fruitlessly. A soundtrack to give you goosebumps. reviewTropico Normally I wouldn't touch latin music with the proverbial bargepole, but there's something about the chirpy tunes that grace Tropico's soundtrack which makes them a perfect fit for the game's tongue-in-cheek humour and sunny Caribbean islands. The only real disappointment is that there aren't more of the songs, as they can get a little repetitive after several hours of oppressing the masses and padding your Swiss bank account. review




这款游戏可能并没有达到其前作进入PC游戏名人堂的程度,但动作传感器上的信号几乎不可能出错,而Monolith也确保了这一点。武器的效果和电影中的非常相似,外星人发出吓人的尖叫声和嚎叫。至于“捕食者”,你可以听到他的呼吸,甚至在你看到他之前……《侠盗猎车手3》是迄今为止所有电子游戏中最优秀的配音之一,特别是黑帮首领的配音。DMA在模仿他们最喜欢的电视和动作电影中的每个角色时获得了太多乐趣,其结果是产生了大量有趣的配音角色,并忠实地将游戏包裹在好莱坞式的现实主义中。加上更多的爆炸,汽车的声音和可怕的武器射击的stacato聊天,你会有一个非常好的整体体验。简单地说,《麦克斯·佩恩》坚韧的配音和时尚的设计相碰撞,创造了PC上最可信的复仇故事之一,并且在整个游戏中使用了如此多的声音。除了恰当地展示武器射击,它还创造了一种奇怪的、不舒服的感觉,在子弹时间片段中可以看到。有时候,《Serious Sam: First Encounter Serious Sam》是一款非常恐怖的游戏,而声音便是其中的重要组成部分。从kleer骨架的马蹄碰撞声、公牛踩踏的隆隆声到尖叫的自杀式炸弹,这些音频线索会让你疯狂地旋转,试图弄清楚下一波敌人会从哪个方向来。 Add to that Sam's own pun-laden contributions and you've got a winning combination. reviewSilent Hill 2 Imagine finding yourself in the middle of a ghost town, in a rundown building with the lights out. It's almost pitch black, and you can barely find your way through your filthy, disused surroundings by touch, when suddenly, you hear the crack of a pane of glass somewhere behind you. Never before has a game used sound to build up a sense of tension and excitement with such frightening effect. Literally. review



